Reporting Abuse

Equality, Diversity, Inclusion & Reporting Abuse

Equality is not about treating everyone the same; it's about ensuring that everyone has equal access to opportunities - through taking into account the differing needs and capabilities of people. 

Diversity and inclusion also include valuing other differences linked to such things as homelessness, income levels, having previous criminal convictions, commitments outside of work, working part-time or shift work, language, activity, health status, perspectives, opinions and/or an individual's
personal values.

For Port Vale FC, practising equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and their talent; and a belief that no one should have a poorer life chance because of such things as the way they were born, where they come from, what they believe - or whether they have a disability etc. And equality is also about recognising that certain groups of people have historically experienced discrimination. 

Port Vale FC are fully committed to equality, diversity, inclusion and anti-discrimination - including mental health and wellbeing. We will work to address areas of under-representation and disadvantage in all aspects of our operations, activities and services. In practice, this means that we will respect the needs of every individual regardless of their differences; and to this end, we will deliver
our operations, activities and services in such a way to ensure that that no one is excluded.

The Board of Port Vale FC firmly believes that Equality can only be achieved by working in partnership across all elements of the community we serve. Furthermore, the goals of Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti- Discrimination - including Mental Health and Wellbeing - will only be truly progressed if everyone that represents Port Vale FC (our Directors, our Staff and our Volunteers) believe in - and are committed to - the same goals.

Match Day Abuse Reporting Process

Click here to view the Match Day Abuse Reporting Process at Port Vale Football Club.