Fans flock to renew season tickets

Fans flock to renew season tickets

After the announcement yesterday that Carol and Kevin Shanahan had completed the purchase of Port Vale Football Club, fans have been arriving in their numbers throughout today to renew or purchase a season ticket for the 2019/2020 campaign.

With a renewed sense of optimism and positivity throughout Vale Park and Burslem are the takeover was confirmed, fans have been making their way down to the Ticket Office to not only purchase their Early Bird Season Tickets for next season but to also secure their tickets for Tuesday nights fans forum with the Shanahans.

Kevin Shanahan said that Vale Park "will be an unbelievable place" if the club can encourage fans to return and come to the games. The message from the new owners seems to have galvanised the fans, in particular, Port Vale fan Paul Smith (pictured on the right), who has purchased his first Vale season ticket because of Carol and Kevin.

"They've put the money where their mouth is and I've done the same to help them along and help Vale. It's a 'new broom sweeps clean', they're good people and proper Vale fans through and through so hopefully onwards and upwards.

"We've seen some of the games which we wish we hadn't seen this season but hopefully that will change next season. Just come down, put your money in and give these people your support!

"It's like the old saying 'Rome wasn't built in a day', they've got a big job on their hands and everybody knows that. They've got to get things in place, the manager for a start and then work from there. You can chuck money at things as they say but that's just paper over the cracks. Hopefully, we can get further and upwards in the league and go from there."

Fellow Vale fan, David Wrench (pictured on the left), had just renewed his season ticket at the Ticket Office for next season after he heard the news yesterday that the takeover by the Shanahans had gone through.

David, who has had a season ticket for the past few years now at Vale, says he's been encouraged by the ideas and plans the Shanahans have for the club and believes they're the 'breath of fresh air' the Valiants need.

Speaking after renewing his season ticket, David's now looking forward the 2019/2020 season starting and encourages others to renew or purchase a season ticket and be part of the new era.

"They've opened the door for us compared to before when the door was shut. We feel the door has always been shut for us but now it's open. Hopefully now we can be a big, family, community football club so let's move and look forward.

"We just want the best for everybody. My grandson's coming with me now along with his friends and that's what we've got to look for. Let's go back to the good old days and be a family loving club.

"The 'used to' fans are very important. Two or three thousand of us may moan but we'll moan in the right order because we want a happy and enjoyable football club. It's all about Port Vale now so onwards and upwards!"