Port Vale's tribute to Charlie Holland

Port Vale's tribute to Charlie Holland

Tomorrow (Friday, Feb 12) the funeral takes place of beloved Port Vale supporter Charlie Holland.

Although we remain conscious of Covid restrictions, the Club will be paying its own tribute to Charlie and in support of his family on the day.

Prior to Charlie’s funeral – which takes place at Swan Bank Methodist Church in Burslem – the family have asked that any Port Vale fans who wish to pay their respects should line Hamil Road around Vale Park (respecting social distancing) from 11.50pm onwards.

This will give fellow supporters two opportunities to pay their respects to Charlie.

The funeral cortège is expected to arrive at Vale Park at 12.05pm where it will park up outside the main reception.

Charlie and his family will be welcomed by a guard of honour of Port Vale players and all Directors and club staff who are at the Club will be in attendance.

A minute’s silence will be observed before the hearse moves off, led by Port Vale Chair Carol Shanahan OBE, Interim Manager Danny Pugh, captain Tom Conlon, players Tom Pope and Scott Brown and Head Groundsman Steve Speed.

As the cortège drives off, all Club staff will applaud and Charlie’s song – Penny Arcade, by Roy Orbison – will play.

Carol Shanahan has also been invited to attend the funeral service, numbers for which are limited by Covid, and will represent the Club.