Supporter Information | Bolton Wanderers

The club wishes to make supporters attending Saturday's game against Bolton Wanderers aware of the following amendments to usual matchday operations for this fixture.

The area between Synectics Solutions and the stadium perimeter, commonly known as Driveway A, will be closed in both directions for access to home and away supporters from 1pm on Saturday. 

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This area will remain closed until the end of the match and will only be reopened once Bycars Lane has cleared of the majority of away supporters. 

This decision has been taken in conjunction with Staffordshire Police on the grounds of safety and to support segregation requirements.  Any supporters who wish to use this route to leave the stadium at the end of the game are welcome to remain in their seats for a short period until the area has cleared. 

Supporters leaving the Railway Stand at the end of the match will be asked to leave their stand and follow the steps down in the direction of Hamil Road.

We do not envisage that this closure will be maintained for longer than 15 minutes after the final whistle unless it is absolutely necessary to do so.

The Pedestrian Gate on Car Park D giving access to and from Bycars Lane and the Training ground will be closed before half-time and will remain closed for the duration of the fixture and up until at least 5pm.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.