remembrance game

To commemorate the end of World War 1, Port Vale will pay tribute prior to kick off against Crewe tomorrow with a minutes silence to remember the fallen soldiers.

Remembrance Day is observed on 11th November to recall the end of hostilities on that date in 1918. With Port Vale not having a home game until the 16th November and Crewe away next weekend, both clubs will pay their tributes tomorrow afternoon.

The 'The Last Post' will be played by Greame Maylem as well as both captains from each team laying a wreath down in the middle of the pitch. The captains will also be wearing poppy armbands to mark the occasion during the match. 

We would advise fans to take their seats in the ground as early as possible to help pay your respects during the service. We would like to thank you in advance for your understanding and co-operation. 

Our Valiants who lost their lives in the war are as followed:

Frank Cannon

Joseph ‘Tommy’ Regan

Leigh Richmond ‘Dickie’ Roose

John Shelton

Robert Suart

Jack George Yuill

Tom Cooper

Haydn Dackins

Sam Jennings

As a club we will remember those who gave their today for our tomorrow, they will never be forgotten, especially our former Vale players who fell during the war.