Thank You, View 16

Everyone associated with Port Vale Football Club would like to thank those involved with VIEW 16 for their continued support, and the work that you do is greatly appreciated by us all here at Vale Park.

Vale In Every Way 2016  was formed two years ago by Charlie Holland, and now with around a dozen committee members, they continue to work together to provide support for fellow Valiants and the wider community.

The members arrange coach travel for fans on away days, set up raffles and much more in order to raise funds which then goes directly back into the club or towards helping others. Hosting a children's Christmas party has been a real success for the past two years, and the group are planning on organising another this year.

They are always thinking of different ways to raise money so that they can come to the aid of others. When Gavin Yorke (Boomer) first fell ill, VIEW 16 supported him with medical costs. They also helped Frankie Allen who was three when she was diagnosed with Leukemia, and they gave a girl called Skye £1500 for an operation to help her walk unaided.

Giving up their time to help others in the way that they do is truly inspiring, and we as a club would like to share our appreciation with all members of VIEW 16. Rachael Holland, daughter of Charlie, also wants to thank every Vale supporter who has supported the fundraising in any way.

She said: "It really wouldn't be possible without the people who buy tickets to events, have a go on the football cards or enter our raffles, so thank you. We all do it for one reason, and that is simply because we all love Port Vale."