"Trustworthy" Danny Pugh will help with first team management says Neil Aspin

"Trustworthy" Danny Pugh will help with first team management says Neil Aspin

Manager Neil Aspin admitted today that he will miss not only his colleague but personal friend Gary Brabin following his departure to Blackpool this week, but is happy to see Danny Pugh make the step up and gain experience in management.

It's been well known that Danny Pugh has been gaining his coaching badges, and has also been helping Mick Ede down at the Academy. Pugh was recently on the touchline for the Reserves last week in their Central League fixture away to Morecambe, with Mick Ede describing his experience for the youngsters as invaluable. 

With the departure of Gary Brabin it's now the perfect opportunity for Danny to enhance his experience in coaching with the first team and Neil Aspin, is happy for him to help.

"Well we've tried to include Danny a little bit this season in doing various things, but now the opportunity has arose where he can get more involved. He worked with the Reserves last week and he'll be playing in the game tomorrow, but I want him to be more involved in the first team.

"He's experienced, he's been a very good professional, he's played at a high level and I think he's got the respect of the players as well, so certainly you need that in the dressing room. 

"Respect is a massive thing. He starts with an advantage that the players know him and we'll use him for our benefit but also to benefit for Danny because he wants to have a career in coaching and he's taken his badges so this is a good start for him."

Pughey has notoriously played as a central midfielder throughout his career but has stepped into the left back role when required, and Neil Aspin maybe forced to call him back to action at some point.

Aspin confirmed that left back, Cristian Montano, has still not fully recovered from a knee injury picked up just a few weeks ago and will require more time to recover.

It's a big blow for the Valiants, but Neil Aspin understands that the recovery period for players nowadays is different to when he was playing, and will give Montano the time he needs.

"I'm not too worried, I think it's a medial ligament injury. We've all had them as players, I know exactly what injury it is and they can become niggly in the fact that, if you catch the ball wrong it opens up the joint and it can be painful.

"I'm well aware of what it is and they do need time to settle down. Like any injury, players need to feel comfortable before they play, times change and maybe the mentality as well.

"In the past people played with injuries whereas now, players mentally have to be right before they go onto the pitch. I need to change my own views on how long certain injuries can take, everybody is different and the modern day footballer needs a little bit more time to recover from injuries then in the past."