Roundup: New boss Darrell Clarke’s first Port Vale press conference

Roundup: New boss Darrell Clarke’s first Port Vale press conference

Following Darrell Clarke’s first full day as Port Vale manager, he has outlined his reasons for joining the club as well as his vision going forward.

In this morning’s press conference, Clarke was clear about what he wanted to achieve in his time as manager in Burslem.

The new man at the helm is keen to add more promotions to his CV, following two promotions with Salisbury City in 2011 and 2013. He also won back-to-back promotions with Bristol Rovers in 2015 and 2016, going from the National League to League One.

Clarke boasts a wealth of experience in the Football League and has displayed the know-how to get teams promoted, which he emphasised this morning. He also believes Vale have the potential to do so with the correct infrastructure in place – boosted by the arrival of Director of Football David Flitcroft.

He arrives at Vale Park to start a new chapter in his managerial career and believes he’s made the right decision in leaving Walsall to come to Vale. Read the key points from the Gaffer’s press conference, below:

“The move for me, was the right move and the best opportunity for success because that is why I get up in the morning. I want to win games, I want to win promotions.”

“I have got that thirst and hunger and I have also got a feel for the place, Carol is a remarkable woman. I think the Port Vale supporters are very fortunate to have an owner that cares so much about the football club in charge.”

“You listen up and down the country, people talk about ‘we want success’ but how do you get it? Well, we can all say the word success, can’t we? But how do you actually get it? I feel there is a fantastic opportunity here to get success. This is why I am here.”

“I am picking the team, I am responsible for winning football matches and Flitcroft and Carol are going to work very hard in the background to give me the resources to do that and that is not spending ridiculous amounts of money. We are going to be doing it properly, we are going to be developing our own players which I have had massive success with throughout my career.”

“We will be doing it sensibly and at the right time and making sure that the infrastructure is completely spot on. What does guarantee you success is the training facilities, the staff, everything else being absolutely spot on and I believe that I will get the platform to do that here.”

“I want success; I feel better at Port Vale than Walsall. Time will tell but for me I like where we are heading. It is going to take a bit of patience, a bit of time but I like to think that there is a platform to get that success.”

“There is 11 weeks left of the season with 18 games left and not many sessions in between… It is a packed period. Let me assess everything down to my staff, I will be working with Billy Paynter who I’ve played with and he will be helping me and Danny (Pugh) out. Myself and David will be assessing everything over the next period and the platform will be 'what do we need to be successful?'. My first impression of Carol is she will back things when it is the right time to back things.”