Cristian Montano signs a new 2 year deal

Cristian Montano signs a new 2 year deal

Cristian Montano has signed a new 2 year deal with the club, which will see him stay at Vale Park until 2020.

Monty has played a crucial part in the final half of the season in keeping the Valiants in League 2, and became a regular starter for Neil Aspin at left back until his recent injury. 

The newly formed defender is delighted to have signed a new deal.

"It feels great. It feels good to feel wanted and to be rewarded. I've had an up and down season but I managed to pick up some form towards the end of the season.

"I set myself high standards, I was down and gutted because I wasn't able to produce that throughout the season, but I'm happy I've managed to meet those standards towards the end of the season.

"I've always wanted to give 100%. Neil Aspin decided to give me the opportunity and has showed belief in me and spoke to me. Nogs, Brabs and the medical staff also showed belief in me about my ability and they've helped build my confidence.

"The gaffer playing me left back, a position I wasn't really familiar with but he's shown belief in me and given me freedom from the back as he would as a winger. I've enjoyed it, I want to carry on in the new season fit and stronger and help Vale get to the right end of the table, especially for the fans as well.

Neil Aspin, who Montano has mentioned as playing a big part in helping him regain his confidence, is deleighted he has signed a new deal and has big plans for him next season.

"It came about because I was lead to believe he had a two year contract. So when I was giving him a lot of praise, I didn't realise I was praising a player who had a clause in his contract! 

"I think Monty could really develop playing as a left back and I felt it was imperative to what we want to do next season that we got him signed.

"I really believe that he can progress and do really well and give us a lot of attacking options from full back.