Information for supporters travelling by official coach on Saturday

As we look ahead to our trip to Wembley on Saturday, we would like to share the following information with Valiants who will be heading to the capital on official club coaches.

From Friday, Vale Park will be preparing to host the Robbie Williams: Homecoming gig and parking at the stadium will be at a minimum due to large vehicles moving in and around the stadium footprint.

Where possible, we ask supporters to avoid driving to Vale Park and instead would ask you to opt to getting dropped off at Vale Park, arrive in a taxi or use public transport to avoid the need to leave vehicles behind.

If you can’t avoid driving, supporters must park their cars on car parks B and C, where there will be limited parking available.

Please consider other car park users when leaving your vehicle and park within a single space. Port Vale Football Club would like to remind supporters that vehicles are left at the owner’s risk.

Thank you for your continued co-operation and support. UTV.