A note from Andy Crosby

The below is taken from Andy Crosby's programme notes for this afternoon's game against Bristol Rovers.

Good afternoon and welcome back to Vale Park for today’s mouth-watering Easter Monday fixture with Bristol Rovers.

I am sure there are many Gasheads here today to cheer on their team, and Darrell has nothing but good things to say about you and is extremely appreciative of all the support you gave him whilst he was manager of your club.

Darrell is also extremely grateful of all the messages of support you have sent to him and his family in the past few months.

I write these notes not knowing the outcome of our Easter Friday fixture at Hartlepool, although I am sure it will have been an extremely difficult, and challenging game.

I believe that as Vale fans, you will be the first to admit how proud you are of this team and all the values that it shows on a consistent basis. One of those qualities is honesty, which is a word we have used since our pre-season camp at Champneys.

I remember asking the Gaffer one afternoon if it would be ok to spend 10 minutes with each player, to try and get to know them a little better as people, to find out about their families and life experiences so far.

What developed was an honest meeting with all players and staff gathered around the centre circle of the training pitch we were using.

In my opinion, this was our best training session of the season, as each player spoke about their life, both good and bad. Each player was also praised and critiqued by their fellow players about their qualities as both a player and a person, noting how we felt they could develop and improve.

It was an emotional day. Keep being honest lads, you are doing us proud.

To all you Vale fans in the stands today and for the remainder of the season, make as much noise as you can and thank you so much for your continued support.

Let’s keep our foot on the gas!

Stick together, stay strong, believe

Up The Vale.
