fans' forum meeting

It was a packed out Valiant Suite and plenty to smile about at last night's fans' forum with our new owners, Carol and Kevin Shanahan!

Accompanied on the top table by Port Vale chief executive, Colin Garlick, and Supporters Club chairman, Mark Porter, Carol and Kevin took questions from the floor about how the past few weeks have been for them since the takeover and plans they had for the future of Vale.

From Carol's insightful knowledge into how the process of a takeover has been and plans for the future, to Kevin's funny, 'what's he going to say next' moments, the evening was rounded off by "The Wonder of You" being sung from fans in the audience as well as everyone on the top table.

It was a very positive night in which everyone on the top table answered questions from the fans as best they could. You can rewatch the full meeting from last night below!