spain trip

Our academy boys jetted off to Madrid this week along with five other English Football League clubs for a pre-season trip organised by League Football Education. Arriving on Sunday, first year Luke Chambers provides an insight into the first two days!

Sunday 28th July - When we arrived at the hotel everyone’s first impressions were very good. We went to our rooms and unpacked our luggage then met up for our first Spanish meal. 

Monday 28th July - We started the day with a host training session which everyone enjoyed as it showed us all how different the game is played in Spain. After the training sessions we went to the pool to cool down and have a little bit of down time .We then finished the day off with a training session with our own coaches.

The squads overall opinion was that at the start it was hard to adapt to the heat however the lads got use to it and now enjoying the Spanish weather, the lads also really enjoyed seeing the difference in coaching style and ideas that the Spanish coaches have!