graham barnett

Port Vale were saddened to hear of the recent passing of the late Graham Barnett at the age of 83 and manager John Askey has paid tribute to a man he described as a "lovely bloke" who was "really passionate about Port Vale."

The funeral for Graham took place today with a cortege driving past the Sproson Statue at Vale Park this morning. Members of his family, friends and Port Vale staff and players stood in silence and later applauded as the cortege drove by.

Following a career full of goals for the Vale, Graham went on to be a youth team manager at the club alongside former Vale player Terry Miles during Askey's spell as a Port Vale player.

John Askey says he will be deeply missed and his enthusiasm for the game will always be remembered.

"He was a lovely bloke who was really passionate about Port Vale. Always full of enthusiasm, he loved his football and his cricket, he'll be sadly missed.

"The hearse pulled outside the football ground and we made sure all the players stood and showed their respects to Graham which he would've loved and appreciated that.

"All the staff did as well, they came out down from the office and it was a fitting tribute to someone who really cared about the football club.

"I remember him best for his enthusiasm, he loved football and I never saw him miserable. He was always happy and always very positive.

Graham and Terry Miles were running the youth team when I was here and both of them really encouraged us and they had a lot of good players come through while they were at the club."

Rest in peace, Graham Barnett.