Cristian Montano

He's recently spoken out about his struggles with mental health in the past and now Cristian Montano has set his sights on helping those who are less fortunate in life in any way he can.

Monty, who admits he wouldn't be where he is today had he not spoken to his loved ones about his mental health, visited Horton Lodge Special School last week alongside his son, Nico, to deliver a signed Port Vale ball for the Christmas raffle.

The raffle is to provide much needed funds to the school’s Parent, Staff and Friend Association (PSFA). The PSFA aim to provide resources and experiences to enrich the children’s school lives, which includes a week long residential adventure break.

A visit to the school organised by Montano himself, Lucy Bloor, assistant headteacher at Horton Lodge Special School said it was great to have Monty visit the students. 

"Cristian spent time visiting each class, meeting the pupils and answering their questions. His aim was to put a smile on their faces and he succeeded!"

Reflecting on his visit to the school, Montano said it was humbling and fantastic to spend time with the students at the school.

"It was so inspiring to see so many of the kids, who have had setback after setback in their lives already, be so bubbly and have big smiles on their faces.

"Taking my son Nico with me was for him to see that regardless of what difficulties some humans have, we are all the same and deserve the same respect."