New date set for Barnet

The EFL have confirmed our previously postponed fixture against Barnet Football Club, will now be played in six days time, at 8pm on Tuesday 13th March.

An EFL executive decision was made to play the fixture on the 13th. Port Vale Football Club are disappointed by the decision, and do not agree with the EFL and Barnet Football Club's wishes to play the fixture so soon but have no choice but to follow it.

Our CEO, Colin Garlick, respectfully requested full and further consideration to rearrange the fixture for a later date. Rule 28.1 states the game should be played at the "earliest reasonable opportunity."

The club feel the players health and welfare has been not been taken into consideration. Due to the recent adverse weather conditions, the players have been unable to take part in reasonable training for over two weeks, and are now expected to play two away games within three days. We believe it to be unreasonable in the circumstances particularly when there is a reasonable option in April, that suits the fixture, supporters and players.

Port Vale Football Club would also like to stress that we little feel consideration has been given to supporters in trying to reschedule the game for next week when other dates were available. We feel it is unacceptable our fans are now expected to travel to two away games within three days, when there are other reasonable options available.

We sincerely apologise to all Port Vale supporters with tickets for this fixture, who have been effected by the new date set. We have asked Barnet Football Club for more details with regards to refunds, and we are awaiting confirmation.