Thousands raised for British Royal Legion

Port Vale are proud to announce that just over £2000 was raised for the Royal British Legion following a successful Poppy Appeal.

Throughout the months of October and November, Vale aimed to raise as much money as possible for the Royal British Legion with our personalised Port Vale poppy badges and bucket collections.

Our true Valiants who lost their lives in the war are as followed:

Frank Cannon

Joseph ‘Tommy’ Regan

Leigh Richmond ‘Dickie’ Roose

John Shelton

Robert Suart

Jack George Yuill

Tom Cooper

Haydn Dackins

Sam Jennings

With collections being taken prior to the Notts County and Sunderland fixtures, the badges proved a huge success among Vale fans and we are delighted to announce there has been more than £2000 raised for a brilliant cause.

We'd like to send a huge thank you to everyone who has contributed over the past few weeks, your generosity is sincerely appreciated!